Question Answer
How do I wash the Bug Vacuum 2017? There are 4 steps to wash the Bug Vacuum 2017.
  1. Detach Bag from Handle
  2. Throw dead bugs into toilet bowl and flush
  3. Rinse Bag
  4. Attach Bag back to Handle
Can the Insect Destroyer 2014 be used for all kinds of insects? No, but most.
How to remove bug from the Bug Hunter 2015? You can use the anti-stick lubricant to remove bug from it. Anti-stick lubricant comes with the product when you buy it.
Where can I buy Tedbugs products? There are two places.
  1. Online - You can buy them from our website.
  2. Supermarkets - We supply our products to most supermarkets in Singapore. There is a high chance one's near you.

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